THIS JUST IN: Mitt Romney Is a Success! (Did it trickle down to “the help?”)


Mitt Romney‘s Maids’ Salary Raises Questions

WASHINGTON — “For a woman with three houses and sixteen grandkids, Ann Romney doesn’t have very much help around the house, according to her 2010 tax return.

IRS forms released Tuesday by Mitt Romney’s presidential campaign show that despite reporting income of $21.7 million, the couple paid only $20,603 in taxable wages for household help in 2010. This figure was divided among four women: Rosania Costa ($4,808), Kelli Harrison ($8,667), Susan Moore ($2,238) and Valerie Cravens Anae ($4,890).

According to a number of Boston-based domestic staffing agencies, the salary range for a housekeeper is between $20 and $30 an hour, which adds up to an annual salary of $40,000 to $50,000 based on forty-hour weeks and two weeks of paid vacation a year.

But this number is only for one house, and the Romneys have three houses — a 2,000 sq. ft. townhouse in Belmont, Mass., a 5,400 sq. ft. lake house on 11 acres in Wolfeboro, N.H., and a beach house in La Jolla, Calif., that is undergoing renovations to double its size.

Even if the Romneys avoided spending time in La Jolla in 2010, they spent plenty of time in New Hampshire, with regular visits in the summer from five sons and their families.

Yet the Romneys still paid only half of the lowest range of an average housekeeper’s salary, which raises the question of who cleaned the Romney houses the other 50 percent of the time. A Romney campaign adviser declined to respond to questions from The Huffington Post about the housekeeping salaries…”

Well, as I thought, Mitt’s trickle-down economics is not practiced at home. This is Mitt Romney in the private sector!  Could this be true of all Top 1% households?  This morning I heard about a poll in which 58% of participants said that a President Romney would their lives better. I don’t think so.  The really rich don’t care.  No beach homes and Cadillacs for you!

[NOTE: This NOT an attack on Ann Romney.]

1959 Cadillac

THIS JUST IN: Mitt Romney Is a Success! (Did it trickle down to “the help?”)


Mitt Romney‘s Maids’ Salary Raises Questions

WASHINGTON — “For a woman with three houses and sixteen grandkids, Ann Romney doesn’t have very much help around the house, according to her 2010 tax return.

IRS forms released Tuesday by Mitt Romney’s presidential campaign show that despite reporting income of $21.7 million, the couple paid only $20,603 in taxable wages for household help in 2010. This figure was divided among four women: Rosania Costa ($4,808), Kelli Harrison ($8,667), Susan Moore ($2,238) and Valerie Cravens Anae ($4,890).

According to a number of Boston-based domestic staffing agencies, the salary range for a housekeeper is between $20 and $30 an hour, which adds up to an annual salary of $40,000 to $50,000 based on forty-hour weeks and two weeks of paid vacation a year.

But this number is only for one house, and the Romneys have three houses — a 2,000 sq. ft. townhouse in Belmont, Mass., a 5,400 sq. ft. lake house on 11 acres in Wolfeboro, N.H., and a beach house in La Jolla, Calif., that is undergoing renovations to double its size.

Even if the Romneys avoided spending time in La Jolla in 2010, they spent plenty of time in New Hampshire, with regular visits in the summer from five sons and their families.

Yet the Romneys still paid only half of the lowest range of an average housekeeper’s salary, which raises the question of who cleaned the Romney houses the other 50 percent of the time. A Romney campaign adviser declined to respond to questions from The Huffington Post about the housekeeping salaries…”

Well, as I thought, Mitt’s trickle-down economics is not practiced at home. This is Mitt Romney in the private sector!  Could this be true of all Top 1% households?  This morning I heard about a poll in which 58% of participants said that a President Romney would their lives better. I don’t think so.  The really rich don’t care.  No beach homes and Cadillacs for you!

[NOTE: This NOT an attack on Ann Romney.]

1959 Cadillac