President Obama Fights for LGBT Rights

Gay Rights are Human Rights
Gay Rights are Human Rights (Photo credit: ep_jhu)

Continue reading “President Obama Fights for LGBT Rights”


Barack Obama in Pop Art

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Uncle Sam

Two-Face from Batman animated series

Barack Obama and Richard Nixon

The Green Lantern

Abraham Lincoln

Santa Claus

General Patton

President Franklin Delano Roosevelt

Sarah Palin

George Washington

The Thinker

American Gothic

With a Black Marilyn Monroe

Harvey Dent from animated Batman series


Obama and Elvis with Marilyn Monroe

The Pied Piper



The Thinker by Blankley

Obama with Marilyn over subway grate in NYC

Adolph Hitler


Twilight Zone character



The Joker

Obama facing Marilyn Monroe

Cartoon 1

Chapter 09 – Uncle Tom’s Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe

If you like a good story, watch/listen to this video.  I never could read this book, but, this narrator paints word pictures.

Continue reading “Chapter 09 – Uncle Tom’s Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe”

Jimmy Fallon – Will Smith and Jimmy Fallon’s 1920s Radio Show: Late Night with Jimmy Fallon

“Get jiggy with Obama!”


America Needs “Big Government” to Stay on Top of the World!

Originally Posted 4/6/12

Joe Scarborough (@joeNBC) often champions “small government” and I believe that means something akin to states rights.  Joe forgets the state bankruptcies and misappropriation of Stimulus money by some states to balance their state budgets.  I once suggested to the President to do what Roosevelt did and excite and energize our workers with a WPA program of his own. The presidential candidates have got me down. Is this the level the best we have to seek public office?  Do the Republicans have to lower their standards and morals to get back into the Whitehouse? If we let them win, we could have another “TOP 1%” oriented government under which the poor and the middle-class would continue to decline. Barack Obama is our “Great White Hope.”  He champions and identifies with the poor and the middle-class.  He knows what it is to work! He welcomes support of unions and workers. Are you in?  Just like we won the last time, President Obama needs your small donations to his campaign. Did you that Mitt Romney is trying to copy Obama’s idea? So, it’s settled all of us (America) will vote for Barack Obama’s second term as the “Warrior for the Middle Class!”

Join Your Neighbors and Be a Foot Soldier Marching Behind Barack Obama!

On this morning’s “MorningJoe”, Joe had Rev. Al Sharpton as a guest and when RevAl mentioned that 5 million people may not be able to vote because of VOTER SUPPRESSION, Joe Scarborough poo pooed us, the poor, blacks, Latinos, the different. 5 million minorities may not be able to cast a vote in the next Presidential Elections because of a Republican War on the Middle-Class.  Shame on “MorningJoe!”

Let's Talk Gospel

O, give thanks to the Lord, for He is gracious!

For His mercy endures forever.

2 Let the redeemed of the Lord say so,

Whom He has redeemed from the hand of the enemy,

3 And gathered out of the lands,

From the east and from the west,

From the north and from the south.

4 They wandered in the wilderness in a desolate way;

They found no city to dwell in.

5 Hungry and thirsty,

Their soul fainted in them.

6 Then they cried out to the Lord in their trouble,

And He delivered them out of their distresses.

7 And He led them forth by the right way,

That they might go to a city for a dwelling place.

8 Oh, that men would give thanks to the Lord for His goodness,

And for His marvellous works to the children of men!

9 For He satisfies the longing soul,

And fills the hungry…

View original post 311 more words

Buddy Blue And His Texans, Smith Ballew vocal – S’posin’ (1929)

S’posin’ you make a small donation toward a better future?

THIS JUST IN: Mitt Romney Is a Success! (Did it trickle down to “the help?”)


Mitt Romney‘s Maids’ Salary Raises Questions

WASHINGTON — “For a woman with three houses and sixteen grandkids, Ann Romney doesn’t have very much help around the house, according to her 2010 tax return.

IRS forms released Tuesday by Mitt Romney’s presidential campaign show that despite reporting income of $21.7 million, the couple paid only $20,603 in taxable wages for household help in 2010. This figure was divided among four women: Rosania Costa ($4,808), Kelli Harrison ($8,667), Susan Moore ($2,238) and Valerie Cravens Anae ($4,890).

According to a number of Boston-based domestic staffing agencies, the salary range for a housekeeper is between $20 and $30 an hour, which adds up to an annual salary of $40,000 to $50,000 based on forty-hour weeks and two weeks of paid vacation a year.

But this number is only for one house, and the Romneys have three houses — a 2,000 sq. ft. townhouse in Belmont, Mass., a 5,400 sq. ft. lake house on 11 acres in Wolfeboro, N.H., and a beach house in La Jolla, Calif., that is undergoing renovations to double its size.

Even if the Romneys avoided spending time in La Jolla in 2010, they spent plenty of time in New Hampshire, with regular visits in the summer from five sons and their families.

Yet the Romneys still paid only half of the lowest range of an average housekeeper’s salary, which raises the question of who cleaned the Romney houses the other 50 percent of the time. A Romney campaign adviser declined to respond to questions from The Huffington Post about the housekeeping salaries…”

Well, as I thought, Mitt’s trickle-down economics is not practiced at home. This is Mitt Romney in the private sector!  Could this be true of all Top 1% households?  This morning I heard about a poll in which 58% of participants said that a President Romney would their lives better. I don’t think so.  The really rich don’t care.  No beach homes and Cadillacs for you!

[NOTE: This NOT an attack on Ann Romney.]

1959 Cadillac