Gov. Nikki Haley, Will You Keep Your Promise to “Personally Provides Rides” to Fellow People of Color in SC Who Need to Get Photo Voter ID?

Governor Nikki Haley may be “Proud to be Indian,” but she sides with the white power structure in her state, South Carolina, which has passed laws to suppress the voting power of blacks, Latinos and, especially, the elderly, by requiring that they have photo ID to vote in elections beginning in 2012.  When there was a backlash, Gov. Haley said that she “personally” would provide transportation to the 200,000 South Carolinians who needed to go and purchase photo ID to be able to vote in 2012. What has she done to keep her promise? I went to Google to get an answer. Browsing through 4 pages of top responses showed to activity past September:

Only 25 South Carolinians Getting Free Rides to DMV for Voter IDs…/only-25-south-carolinians-getting-fre…
Oct 20, 2011 – areas by the percentage of seniors with poor access to public transportation, now Only 25 South Carolina residents have scheduled a free ride to obtain a photo ID on Wednesday as part of an effort by the state to show that Gov. Nikki Haley promised anyone without proper ID that the state would offer

Nikki Haley and her fellow Republican governors are “Solving a Problem That Doesn’t Exist.” I found a shocking statement that contradicts Haley’s pride in her heritage which explains why she is not working hand-in-hand with blacks and Latinos in South Carolina to reverse the state’s history of racial discrimination:

Nikki Haley Carpool Update – You’re Paying

“Find me those people who think that this is invading their rights — find — and I will go take them to the DMV myself and help them get that picture ID,” Haley said in the interview.
Of course the governor – whose own ID lists her as “white” – obviously wasn’t chomping at the bit to make good on that promise, at least not until she discovered that there were also uneducated crackers (i.e. her people) who needed rides, too.
Sheesh …
Democrats bashed Haley’s move as a “political stunt.”
English: South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley
Image via Wikipedia

Although South Carolina elected an Indian as governor, the influx of Latinos into the state is not welcomed.  The presence of the descendants of South Carolina’s African slaves still gives whites an uncomfortable feeling. It is hoped that the investigation by US Attorney General into the voter suppression law will lead to justice for the 200,000 South Carolinians who are losing their civil right to vote.